One of the driving factors in the confidence level of the average guy is his penis size. It could be said that a guy’s finances, social status, or material possessions play a larger part, but that’s just not true. We value our ability to thoroughly please our partner. And we all know, in order to get the job done properly, you have to have the right equipment. One of the most sensitive subjects to joke about with a guy is his penis size. When it happens, there is always tragedy associated.
One day, I was having a conversation with a very nice looking female friend of mine that was working a front desk clerk job. I sat in the lobby chairs and talked to her as I frequently did. Over the course of time we got into a conversation about someone she dated in the past that had a very inadequate penis size in her opinion. She said he had about 6 inches and that just wasn’t enough to satisfy her. So, I took that as an opportunity to give her a quick laugh, I proceeded to initiate what turned into a pure catastrophe, a penis joke.